The International Learning Express (Lex) Community Service (KKN) Program, which was participated by 67 participants consisting of students from Singapore Polytechnic, Kanazawa Institute of Technology Japan, and Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta will soon end on Friday (20/9). Lex’s International Community Service Program, which took place in Beteng Hamlet, Jatimulyo Village, Girimulyo District, Kulonprogo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta has succeeded in developing tourism potential and food products.
Hilman Latief, MA., Ph.D., Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Alumni and AIK appreciated the products and solutions offered by students who had implemented the Lex Community Service program in Kulonprogo by viewing student presentations in the gallery walk displayed. “We give appreciation to students who have given dedication to the community during the service process in Beteng Hamlet, Kulonprogo. By issuing a number of ideas, or producing new innovative products, students’ efforts to study in the village and solve problems by offering solutions in the village, “Hilman said.
Hilman added that this International Community Service Program should continue to see many students who were very enthusiastic while doing community service activities by seeing the ideas and ideas presented in the gallery walk. This gallery walk is an exhibition of community solutions programs in the form of mind-mapping and the work of students during community activities in Beteng Hamlet, Kulonprogo. The results presented in the form of strategies offered are seen from the condition of the community, for example seeing problems in the production of zalacca juice, which is considered very slow and dangerous, lack of time management, and uncertain income. Therefore the solution offered is by making filtering devices safer and more efficient and can help improve business through marketing strategy education. Besides the production of zalacca juice, students also provide solutions related to tourism marketing strategies and crispy mushroom products.
Zulhaiman Zikri, a Singapore Polytechnic student, said that the International Community Service Program is not just a community service program but also learning about a culture that has never been felt before. “I feel happy and grateful that with this KKN program I can give something to the community, besides that I am also happy with the people there who are friendly and I am taught the culture there,” he concluded. (Sofia)
credit: BHP UMY