In order to welcome the new school year 2018-2019 academic year, Universitas Muhamadiyah Yogyakarta held a friendship meeting with parents of freshmen students on Friday (24/8) at Sportorium. The event which was attended by approximately 3500 parents of this new student had the aim to strengthen the relationship between the university and parent of new students, as well as the introduction of the UMY campus environment.
Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, M.P, in his speech welcomed and thanked parents who trusted UMY as a place to study for their sons / daughters. “Welcome to the campus of Superior and Islamic, Global Young Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. With the accompaniment of unlimited thanks to the father / mother who has given us the confidence to participate in educating the sons / daughters we love together, “he said.
Furthermore, Gunawan assured parents / guardians that UMY was always determined to renew and improve the quality of the teaching and learning process, in order to participate in educating and preparing Indonesia’s young generation. So from the commitment that was tried to be highlighted by the UMY, UMY again gained the trust of the community by receiving 5374 new students from 32,927 who registered this year. Not only that, UMY also successfully maintained and increased the value of accreditation A.
This friendship event also became a very happy moment according to Gunawan, because it can improve the quality of the teaching and learning process. “Friendship this morning was a very happy moment, because in this situation we will get input. Can get what the parents / guardians want in order to improve the teaching and learning process. ”
Gunawan also explained the meaning of UMY’s vision that is Superior and Islamic. “We shorten the long vision of UMY which is to become a university that excels in developing science and technology based on Islamic values ​​for the benefit of the people,” he added.
While to achieve this vision, Gunawan said there were five missions that had to be carried out. The first acts as a development center for Muhamadiyah to prosper and educate the people. Second, supporting the development of Yogyakarta as an area that respects cultural diversity. Third, organizing education, research and community development professionally. Fourth, develop students to become graduates who are faithful, pious, noble. The last one is high-minded students in science and technology.
In addition, in this event the parents / guardians of students were also introduced to KRS Online. This is so that their parents can monitor the flow of funds or deposit money paid to UMY through the website. There is also the introduction of a new program in the form of Healthy UMY which will be conducted twice in one month.