Department of Management Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta managed to maintain A on accreditation. This was issued by the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT) through Decree (SK) number 1887 / SK / BAN-PT / Accredited / S / VII / 2018 on Tuesday (24/7).
Retno Widowati PA, Ph.D., M.Sc. as Head of Department of Mnagament said that the results obtained were from the process of filing the forms and visitation. “Visitation conducted by BAN-PT on July 16-18, 2018 in Management Department. Then, one week later we got exciting news, namely our study program managed to maintain A on Accreditation with a value of 373. Thus, we managed to maintain A on  accreditation, which has been obtained since 2013 ago, she said.
Furthermore, Retno also said that the high value obtained at this visitation was not separated from the excellent program promoted by the Management Department. “Management Department has excellence in entrepreneurship and Management Science programs. Then, we also carry the mission to make the department as a reference for various educational institutions in ASEAN. For this reason, we launched an international class called International Program of Management and Business Studies (IMaBS) which has been running since 2016. In addition, Department of Mnaagment also collaborated with various foreign universities to exchange students such as at Tamkang University Taiwan, Malaysia Islamic University (USIM), Sias International University, and Khon Kaen University, she said.

In addition, there are also several things that must still be evaluated by her side. According to the assessment of the assessor team, there is a ratio between students and a large teaching force. However, Retno has anticipated the problem by holding an online lecture (Online lecture). “Because UMY has become one of the active campuses using online lectures in Indonesia, we are actively involved in doing online systems,” she said.
At the end of the interview, Retno expressed her hope for all parties in the Management Department in the future. “Our hope, with the increase in value that has been obtained, can be our motivation to continue to improve the quality of human resources (HR) and the quality of Management Study Programs at UMY. “With all of our efforts, we hope to produce graduates who are superior and have Islamic characteristics,” she concluded.