On 12th of September 2017, International Program of Management and Business UMY had guest from Head of Bank Indonesia Chapter D.I.Yogyakarta, Budi Hanoto, SE., MBA. He also taught the students in a Public Lecture to students of Management Department. The Head of Bank Indonesia Chapter DIY gave lecture entitled Improving Society Economics Independence Through SMEs to Encourage a Sustainable and Inclusive the Economics of DIY.
The stadium general held at Amphitheater KH Ibrahim Building 5th Floor. Budi Hanoto said that DIY’s economy pushed by various factors such as construction, agriculture, hotel&rest, and industry. Tourism become the main sector that effect DIY’s economy.
This general stadium held to welcome the new students from Department of Management batch 2017. The general stadium run well and the students actively participate to ask about SMEs and economics engaged with the topic delivered by Budi Hanoto. Budi Hanoto explained SMEs obstacles as follows:

  1. Low Productivity
  2. Unstable commodity stock
  3. Lack of access
  4. Low quality of SMEs competition

From the general stadium, hopefully the students can take many opportunities of becoming entrepreneurs and inspire the students to develop SMEs in Jogjakarta.