
UMY Held Induction Program to Help 23 International Students Adapt

April 23, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) held the Induction Program which designed for 23 international students to have them settle into university life, given the opportunity to explore the culture of Indonesia and make new friends from other countries. This program was held for international students studying in UMY at Dolandeso, Kulon Progo, D.I. Yogyakarta on Saturday

Practicing the Soul of Leadership through LKMM

April 16, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Management Student Leadership Training (LKMM) is one of the work programs of the Management Student Association (HIMAMA) FEB-UMY in each period where LKMM activities are still included in a series of Open Recruitment activities at HIMAMA FEB UMY. This activity was held in the Pancoh Ecotourism Village, Girikerto, Turi, Sleman, on 10-11 November 2018. LKMM

Tourism Development in Panjangrejo Village, through Training for Collaborative Craftsmen with the Bantul Regency Office

April 8, 2019, oleh: superadmin

The task of the lecturer is Tridarma which includes Teaching, Research and Community Service. In the context of community service, on February 13, 2019, the Management Study Program lecturers, Lela Hindasah SE, MSi and Rini Juni Astuti., SE., M.Sc, conducted community service in Desa Panjangrejo in the form of training supported by LP3M UMY with

Ministry of Education Malaysia Desires to Open Muhammadiyah University in Malaysia

January 24, 2019, oleh: superadmin

“To follow up the communication with one of the rectors of Muhammadiyah universities, I wanted to take an action to communicate with these universities” said Datin Paduka Ir. Dr. Siti Hamisah Tapsir. During the discussion, Rector and Vice Rector of UMY explained the UMY’s international collaboration and cooperation with many other universities including Malaysia that

5 Maejo Students Have Completed Study at UMY

January 22, 2019, oleh: superadmin

  Eko Priyo Purnomo, M.Res., Ph.D, as the Executive Director of Cooperation and International Affairs (CIA) UMY stated that “there are many fruitful experiences from going abroad especially for student exchange programs. Not only benefitting in terms of academic experience, but also a brand-new atmosphere of studying in foreign land”. To become a reputable university

Pre-Departure Orientation 2019

January 14, 2019, oleh: superadmin

Pre-Orientation Departure was attended by 54 selected participant students through prior selection. There are six study destinations including Malaysia, Taiwan, Spain, Thailand, South Korea, and China. Respective program will be started in February 2019 for one semester. Even though the number of students decreased, it was adjusted with the University Partner’s quota. There were 119

“Geopolitics and Sports”: The Country Prosperity, Peace, and Power & Influence

December 24, 2018, oleh: superadmin

[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) and Institut Français d’Indonésie (IFI) Yogyakarta has successfully held the seminar on “Geopolitics and Sports”, located at AR Fachruddin A Building, 5th floor, UYM. This event is one of an agenda sequence from IFI which has been started in Jakarta. The seminar had three superb Speakers, they are 1. Barthélémy Courmont (Professor